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The Compassionate Prism

Creative Vision Board
Ready to set an intention or goal? This is a creative and fun workshop on bringing your dreams into reality.
Prior to workshop, attendees are asked to identify goals and intentions to support clarity and focus of ideas.
You are an individual. Therefore the light you shine into the world is unique. My role is to support you in shining your light brightly & joyfully through creative expression, energy work, & divine connection.
Getting Started...
I believe in commitment to self. To get started, all you need is the desire to take that first step. It's a path that doesn't have to be walked alone. I have been supported by many wonderful beings on my journey and now it is my turn to give back. Let me be your guide.
Each class, session, event, and unique product is designed to harness the power of positivity. It is my belief that through collaboration, inspiration, discovery, and creation we can reconnect with our Higher Self. Through this connection we can learn to open our minds and hearts to allow Grace and Love to enter freely.
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. ~ Rumi
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